
Compare & Contrast: AMERICAN vs. SCOTTISH COLLEGE!?

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Hi there!

My name is Raza and I've got my little heart set on attending a Scottish University for pharmacy and Scots Gaelic, I've heard that it is much cheaper for an American citizen than to attend a college in the US. Is this indeed the truth?

If you have attending any Scottish University, could you give me any tips? I'm going to do college visits in a few months and would like to know what to expect beforehand. Any insite is great! Even if its not entirely relevant.


Terribly Concerned




  1. There are many more very good universities in the US than there are in Scotland.  You do not need to go to an Ivy League school for a first class education.  Places such as Duke, Chicago, Stanford, UCLA, USC, Boston College, NYU, MIT, UVA, Carnegie Mellon, U of Washington, Georgetown, U. of Texas are but a few of the many fine universities in the US.

    As an American, it will be expensive for you to attend a Scottish university but if this is what you want to do, go for it.  At a US university, you would probably be eligible for grants etc. which you will not be in Scotland.  Also, as stated elsewhere, the weak dollar will make it more painful.

    Also, please note that the system is different.  I do not think that you can study pharmacy and Gaelic at once.  The degree programs are very directed and do not allow for the concept of majors and minors as the US system does.

    Good luck

  2. Hi,

    I'll be attending the University of Edinburgh this autumn, but I am an EU national so the tuition fees are much lower for me. You can find detailed information about the overseas tuition fees in the websites of the universities you are interested in but generally, they could be anywhere from £10,500 to £16000 and even £28000 for Medicine.

    Because of the weak dollar, this could mean that you'd be much better off financially if you pursue your studies at your state university. But personally, I think it is worth the investment.

    If you manage to get into Glasgow, Edinburgh or St. Andrews uni, you will be getting a world-class education which in the US in usually reserved for the few privileged students who can afford an Ivy League university.

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