
Compare/Contrast Stonehenge to what? Pyramids? Noah's Ark? Eiffel Tower?

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I have a presentation to give a little later today and I need to find some monument, doesn't matter what time period, that I can compare/contrast to Stonehenge. So far I have the ideas Pyramids, Noah's Ark, Eiffel Tower; but I was wondering if anyone has a better Idea? All the help would be greatly appreciated, I always give best answer! Thanks




  1. Avebury is similar, but not the same.

    There's also the Great Wall of China.

  2. Well, the pyramids would be a good one because they are very close to being the same time period, so you could compare the advanced civilisation and sophisticated building techniques of ancient Egypt to the relatively simple culture and buildings of neolithic england (not that there wasn't a lot of skill involved int he building of Stonehenge).

  3. The Pyramids is a good one - you could compare how both were built through sheer manpower - dragging the bricks etc, you could say how they both have a lot of spiritual meaning for people - nobody knows what they were for (eg nobody knows what stonehenge is but although the pyramids are a tomb, nobody really can be sure of their symbolism)

    Maybe the Easter Island heads? I don't know much about them but i think they might be a good monument to compare?

    I can't see why you would want to compare the eiffel tower or Noahs Ark unless you are comparing how both are a massive feat of construction etc...

    Maybe try looking up the 7 wonders of the ancient world? Comparing how Stonehenge survived and the others fell?

    There are tonnes of things you could compare it with! Try thinking of things you can link it with first as it's far easier to find differences than similarities. Think of the ways you could link it with other monuments, eg. It has a recogniseable sillouhette, nobody can be sure what it's purpose was, it has a lot of spiritual meaning for people, it has survived thousands of years unharmed, its a massive feat of human strength/engineering...

  4. Noah's Ark is a bad example. It is a myth, not a historical remaining.  

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