
Compare Obama to Lincoln?

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Alot of people are comparing Obama to Lincoln.Could someone please point out the similaraties if they even exist other than they both served Illinois?I don't see it.Lincoln was a Great president.What has Obama accomplished to be put in the same category??????????




  1. Lincoln was honest.  Obama is slick.

    Lincoln was a wise man.  Obama is a con man..

    Lincoln was determined.  Obama is stubborn.

    Lincoln knew you can fool only some of the people all the time, but he never tried to fool anybody.  Obama thinks he can fool all the people all the time and keeps trying to do so.

  2. I believe the analogy comes from people saying Lincoln was not qualified to be president, but he won the election and did a fine job and ended up proving his critics wrong.  Obama's supporters are saying that he will win, do a fine job, and prove his critics wrong.  This is a chance America cannot afford to take, and we don't have any evidence to support the theory that Obama is capable of running anything but a household.  

  3. The point of the comparison is that both had limited legislative experience before being nominated for president by their respective parties. Lincoln had only served in the House of Representatives one term before the nomination. This in no way impeded Lincoln's greatness as Chief Executive.

  4. no comparison whatsoever.

  5. it does not matter what you think of them,

    lincoln could not change  the racism that exist in this country nor the poverty, wars, sickness, and so fort.. even if he was honest,

    obama too won't be able to change the  hatred that has consume this country, nor the wars, poverty or any thing else, because men does not

    have the power to do that ... so if you want to continue putting your trust in men (in this political goverment) who has  failed you from the beginning of times go right ahead. because each one that enters the white house will not do the job. put your trust in GOD people not men.

  6. I prefer a Cadillac.

  7. no i would not do that

  8. Well, they were both lawyers and good orators and were associated with Illinois and both were married.

    There the comparison stops though

    Lincoln was born in KY, Obama HI

    Lincoln served during the US Civil war and emancipated the slaves to strengthen the war effort.  He also got assisnated for various reasons.  Lincoln made great changes in the US mainly because the US was in the midst of a great change...the civil war.  He is credited with keeping the country intact and seeing it through this greatest of crisises

    Obama has essentially no record to speak of and has never held a higher office than US senator.

    Maybe if he wins then he can build a record and legacy and then be compared, just hope he does not meet up with any fellas named Booth like Abe did.

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