
Compare and contrast, geeks, athletes, jerks, popular people, shy people, nerds, etc?

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Compare and contrast, geeks, athletes, jerks, popular people, shy people, nerds, etc?




  1. hmmmmm well in the "Clique world" geeks are like nerds just a diffrent name to call them. athletes are all these sporty ppl who talk about....sports. populars are like these preppy ppl. shy ppl are like loners. nerds like geeks just a diff name. but who needs those? we're all the same just diffrent personality. so u shouldnt even be asking this question.

  2. There's nothing to compare.  We're all a little of each.  And that's the truth!

  3. they're not mutually exclusive groups or cliques.  Though those labels do exist because a lot of people (in high school more than any where else) fall within the stereotypical definition of one  of those labels. though they may exhibit traits from 3 or more groups, one will be more predominant.

    though its hard to make a generalization because what would make a geek in one place may be similar to what makes someone popular somewhere else.  athletes and popular people are often the same; geeks and nerds are practically synonymous. shy people probably often get lumped in with them. a lot of athletes are stereotyped as being bullies and jerks.  

    it'd be best to come up with a checklist/questionnaire asking you to rate somebody on an interval scale regarding certain traits.


    values range 1 - 5; 1 being trait not exhibited at all, 5 being dominant trait.

    is person well liked? 4

    get good grades? 3

    get attention from opposite s*x? 5

    party? 5


    and add some interval data; ex: answers like 'yes' or 'no'. mutually exclusive.

    on a sports team? yes

    has a girlfriend? no

    failed a grade? yes

    then code/score all the answers, assign value ranges to certain stereotypes and then you have a quantifiable way to determine who's who or what......

    man i wasted too much time on this....

  4. It's a shame that we label people. You know the old saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me."? It's a bunch of hooie. Names can stick with people their entire lives and actually change who they are. Soetimes for the better, sometimes the worst. The other respondent is right. We're all a little of each. The bottom line is, all people have the God given right to be treated with compassion, dignity, and respect. If all of us practiced that philosophy, 99% of the world's problems would cease to be. Sounds corny and simplistic, but think about it. Imagine it. Dream it. Do your part to make it real and you will always know that the world is a better place for your being in it. And isn't that the "purpose" of our existence? It ain't rocket science.

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