
Compare and contrast Kennedy’s New Frontier Policy with Johnson’s Great Society policy.?

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Were these domestic or foreign policies?

What were the policies designed to achieve?

Were the policies successful? Why or why not?




  1. Kennedy's "New Frontier" policy was designed to enable the cold war by proxy in Central America.  They resulted in thousands of deaths.  Johnson's "Great Society" was designed with intent to be the next step toward socialism (Roosevelt's "New Deal" was the first step.  Trouble with Johnson's policy/dream was that he had no idea how to pay for it.  FDR at least utilized the military funding by gutting the already skeletonized military.

    Were they successful?  Kennedy's aim was to stop the spread of communism.  It at best came out a draw.  At times, he added fuel to the fire of hating America.  Johnson's were pretty much a wash.  Without adequate funding, Nixon had to end a lot of what Johnson had started.  AND, if you consider Thomas Jefferson's point in the Declaration of Independence -- that those who have money have more choices and are more free than those who have none (they're enslaved to their creditors), then FDR and Johnson's socialist ideas only helped to further enslave the masses.  Had either of them considered setting standards and requisites such as requiring finance classes and an absolute end date that the assistance would end, they would not have turned into a generational way of life.

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