
Compare and contrast the perspectives of conflict and feminist theories in the family.?

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Compare and contrast the perspectives of conflict and feminist theories in the family.?




  1. i stumbled  upon the bahai writings and it shows a totally diffrent viewpoint of female role in family and society.   women and men play complementary roles.  both are equal and men are not superior to women as the notion is now.  women as they stay in the home and take care of the children are considered inferior.  this is a fallacy.  

    upbringing of children is of more importance for it is mothers who mould children into proper, matured adults.  that is the true role of mothers.  without mothers society wld be in greater chaos.  

    the world is ruled by men and look at the mess.  women shld take and be allowed to take their rightful place in the governance of society.  for it's women that gives another perspective in world view.  this is a slow process and not with radical / violent means.  women shld go beyond the present mentality.

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