
Compare and differentiate Hercules and/from Jason?

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both are heroes from Greek mythology




  1. jason has buddies called aganauts a pack of buddies, hurcules is a killer and jason is looking for advanture hurcules is runnig away from annoying *****.

  2. Jason, to defeat an evil king, gets together with a bunch of his buddies and sails off to find a golden fleece.

    Heracles wanders around alone a lot.

    Jason gets together with the daughter of the king that owns the fleece, uses her to help steal it, lets her go through h**l for him and than ditches her after she's helped him get everything he wants.

    Heracles kills his first wife in a fit of rage and ends up killed for jealousy by his second wife.

    Jason atones for his sins by visiting Circe.

    Heracles has to atone for his sins by performing twelve pain in the butt labors.

    Heracles is rumoured to have hung with Jason for a while there but its questionable as to whether that's a later addition to myth or not.

    and lastly - Heracles got to be a god when he died and Jason just bit it.

    I'm sure there are more but those are a few off the top of my head

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