
Compare energy conservation and energy efficiency???..plz?

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Compare energy conservation and energy efficiency???..plz?




  1. Efficiency lets people live the same way they have been, but just do it using less energy.   Conservation requires people to cut back on their lifestyle and make sacrifices.

  2. You've never heard of Wikipedia, or are you just lazy :)

    Energy Conservation = living your life in a way that wastes less energy (combining trips around town, turning off water while brushing teeth, walking instead of driving, etc). Basically, NOT using as much energy in all things in your everyday life.

    Energy Efficiency = Manufacturing / production of equipment that uses less energy to perform same tasks (gravity instead of electricity in clothing washers, better burning of fuel in car engines, less water in dishwasher cleaning, solar powered calculator instead of battery, lightbulbs that last longer & use less electricity to light a room, etc) Basically, designing everyday things to require LESS energy to do the same functions.

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