
Compare landon donovan to other players in europe?

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i rate him pretty highly. fast with or w/o ball, skilled, great awareness, fine passer, etc

he's rumored to be moving to europe, probably england. i think he could be on par with lampard, hargreaves, etc when he gets accustomed to euro ball.




  1. He won't be on a par with Lampard and Hargreaves, he will probably be good enough for a mid table Premiership team.

  2. Hahahahhahaaaa

    How can you yanks think that he is good???

    If he does get into an english team which is very unlikely, it would be a team fighting off relegation like fulham or stoke or some rubbish team like that.

    He is no where near as good as lampard or hargreaves or let alone leroy lita...

    He may look good in your terrible league but he would not be able to get a game in england.

    The english league is very technicle so i don't know what your talking about, the italian league is very defensive so i don't see him doing well there.

  3. I don't think England would be a good fit for him as the game isn't technical and he is fast but small.  He would be good for Italy and Spain.  He can compete with the best easily which he has shown in two World Cups.

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