
Compare life in the country with life in the town...What you choose and why?

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Compare life in the country with life in the town...What you choose and why?




  1. That is a difficult question.  I am from a place where the closest "town" is five miles away and it only had a population of 500 people.  I now live in a city where the population is 60,000 but with suburbs included, the population is closer to 500,000.  

    Pros about city life:  

    Everything is nearby

    Pizza hut delivers

    Walmart is open 24 hours a day

    You can make friends more easily

    You can lead a life of relative anonymity (no one's in  your business)


    The pharmacist, cashier at the grocery store, and video store worker don't know your name and don't care to

    Your reputation is harder to create

    You possibly live in an apartment or on a postage stamp

    Pros about country life:

    You get to live in imagination land most of the time, I had animals and wildlife that surrounded me and I had a huge imagination.  We had forts and ponds and streams to visit

    Everyone knows your name and your reputation

    You live on lots of property with lots of potential


    Everyone is in your business

    Pizza hut doesn't deliver

    Everything closes at 6 pm.

    My husband and I are currently looking to move a little further out of the city so that we can have more acreage.  It really is all relative.  There are pros and cons to anything.  I do miss living in the country.  There seemed to be more freedom and peace and love and understanding.  People came to help you when you were in need.  People seemed to be more polite and well-behaved.  They seemed to care more about everyone around them.  


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