
Compare the H NMR spectrum of triphenylmethanol with that of benzophenone and explain the difference.?

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Compare the H NMR spectrum of triphenylmethanol with that of benzophenone and explain the difference.?




  1. I think Tabloid J is talking about the IR, not the H NMR. So, for the H NMR comparison here are the link to the actual H NMRs

    for the benzophenone search here but under the name diphenyl ketone or by the molecular formula

    For the benzophenone you will see the shift assignments in ppm below  the H NMR.

    Here is your comparison  in a nutshell.

    Both are aromatic based compounds, therefore all the H will be aromatic H, around 7 (above and below that value), really depends on the shielding. What do I mean by that is that? Alcohol groups are shielding electron donators which shift the ppm upfield and the O=C carboxyl group is a deshielding electron withdrawing group that shifts the ppm downfield. Benzophenone will have higher (in ppm) peaks, triphenylmethanol has more H, hence wider peaks.

    That's all.


  2. the alcohol will have a large curved rounded spike around the 3000 range.... w here the keytone will have only short spikes that are long and skinny in this range and the giveaway spike at 1510

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