
Compare the non verbal communication you use with different children-?

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describe how you could change your non-verbal communication with each child?




  1. Non-verbal communication can mean a variety of things...Everything from a smile to the way you use your arms.  Non-verbal communication is a huge key to dealing with children- They are able to read either positive or negative communication from the way you react and interact with them (i.e.- Taking it as a negative sign if you are standing with your hands on your hips and pointing a finger at them, etc.)

    Some different, positive non-verbal communication could be:

    - Hands open (showing that you are willing to listen and work with them)

    -Arms extended (showing that you are non-judgmental)

    -Getting down on the child's level (A HUGE key to dealing with young children and being non-threatening and open)

    - Facial Expressions and head movements (Can be negative or positive- smiling as opposed to scowling; head level rather than looking down)

    - Stance (Can be negative or positive- Legs even as opposed to leaning to one side with hand on hip, arms at sides as opposed to crossed, etc.)

    It is important to keep these things in mind and also to as you have stated, be aware of the non-verbal communication you are using with different children.  Each child is different and may take your body language differently.

    Hope this helps!

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