
Compared to humans, do you think there is a disproportionately larger number of genius squirrels

by Guest57383  |  earlier

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compared to "normal" squirrels? Bears? Goldfish?




  1. Considering how often I see squirrels get into allegedly "squirrel proof" bird feeders, I sometimes think squirrels are the superior species.  After all, each time they do it, they defeat the human "geniuses" that developed the bird feeder.

  2. one they figure out how to build an engine i'll think about it

  3. Looks like you have seen "Madagascar' so many times that it has got imbibed in your thoughts.

  4. Interesting question.  You must get high, that's something a pothead would wonder about.  I would guess no, it's probably proportional.  True some squirrels can get into squirrel proof bird feeds, but I saw one fall out the tree and then another off a power line the other day.

  5. yea, sometimes i believe my pet is looking at me like i'm the biggest idiot alive.  

  6. living in a city where squirrels have no fear of humans and will take food out of your hand in the commons, I've come to spend alot of time observing these animals and my studies have confirmed these little bushy tailed cute beady eyed creatures are somehow in league with the devil.

  7. If anyone could become motivated to do a lengthy study on the incidence of 'genius level' creatures (after spending several lifetimes on defining 'genius level', of course) amongst squirrels, bears and goldfish, I cannot for the life of me see any possible way this could be of any value except for those who enjoy "Gee whiz!   Zat so?" propositions.

    This planet is occupied by a dangerous pest.   This pest has increasingly threatened the planet for about 10,000 years.  Many, many species of plant and animal are now extinct because of this over-numerous threat, this pest.

    In recent millenia, the pest has written tracts about its status, claiming that God made the Planet for the sole benefit of this pest. Homo sapiens, the pest, is able to callously remove the autonomy from everything on the planet, and has industriously destroyed so much....

    The quality that homo sapiens, the pest, possesses that so enables it to ruin the planet for everything else, is the quality known as Intellect.

    I hope you are not inferring that Squirrels, Bears, and Goldfish are also developing pest qualities?  

  8. Ye shall rue the day the Squirrels rule over Man...

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