
Compared to the annoying-ness of spacers how bad are braces?

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I have no problem with pain but these spacers are bugging the c**p out of me! I just got them in today and I'm getting top row braces on the 14th.




  1. I had serious pain with my spacers and then they were realllllllly annoying so I know how you feel! I'm just glad I only had to have them in for a week. So far I can't really complain about my braces. Of course it sucks that I can't eat certain foods, but it will be worthwhile in the end. The only thing that annoys me about braces is waking up in the morning with the funky taste in my mouth. I guess Listerine and then falling asleep doesn't work that well with my mouth.

  2. Hey, i just got braces on 1 month ago. I guess the best thing for you to do right now is use wax!!! My orthodonist said its the answer to everything hah.

  3. I just got braces 3 weeks ago, so here's how it's like. Spacers hurt a little, for no reason, and when you eat. Braces feel REALLY weird at first. They wont really hurt, unless you get teeth pulled out. But anyways, it feels like you have an extra set of teeth, on top of your teeth. It's a weird sensation. It makes it really uncomfortable and painful to eat. It hurts A LOT. You have to kinda get used to it, by gently chewing on the side of your mouth(molars). Day be day, it'll be less painful, so don't worry. It took about a week to stop hurting. Good luck!

  4. eveyrthing feels tight at first but within a couple of days it will feel like they r not even there (spacers and braces)

  5. Yeah the will bother you I took them out and put them back in a week b 4 I went I couldnt eat or anything I hate that feeling of something inbetween your teeth :P, But it was worth it the braces are off!!!

  6. Braces hurt only for the first few days of having them, and a few days after getting them tightened. After that, if feels fine, and you can't feel anything at all. Spacers hurt like a *****! Watch out though when you get braces, because your first few days with them, your lips aren't used to the braces rubbing against them, so the inside of your lips will swell and burn. But Spacers are WAY worse, because they hurt to even chew in!

  7. braces are really annoying when you first get them its really hard too eat anything solid or hard so you'll have to stick too soup, youghut, ice cream  anything that is very soft also food gets stuck in between them and its really annoying to get it out not too mention you look quite revolting! After a while with braces you get used too them so they're not that bad and you just have too think of the end result- Perfect teeth!  

  8. They will bother you as much as the spacers except they will be less uncomfortable.  You should get used to them pretty fast, I did except I had the braces first.  Do you have those rubber spacers?  If so then those are really annoying and they should take them out when you get the braces and the braces won't bother you as much.  

  9. um spacers are annoying braces hurt! I had braces with rubber bands and they hurt and were annoying. but yeah I hate spacers

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