
Comparing cost of living Australia/USA?

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What does it mean these work conditions in Brisbane:

"AUD$68,239 - $81,034 p.a., plus employer superannuation contributions of 17%. " ?




  1. Not sure if you are asking the obvious question, but this is what it means:

    They will pay a salary between $68,239 and $81,034 per year (presumably depending on skills and experience of the applicant) and additionally contribute 17% of that amount into your superannuation (retirement)  fund.

  2. Hi, my husband and I actauly travel from aust to usa all the time. He's an annoying american and I'm the cool Aussie and we both like living in Australia (Brisbane) better. Just more relaxed and easy lifestyle. Although we are catching up to America (not a good thig). Imagine Australia as being like america about a decade ago. That's what its like here.

    And this job your are looking at has a good rate of pay. Average Aussie live on a salary of about $50,000, So you are above average but not loaded. And the superannuation is what they put away for your retirement into your nominated super account. You can't touch till your 60 i think, maybe 55. Now 17% of your wage (i dont know what that is) the company will put away for you and that doesnt come out of your wage but extra money the company gives you for working there.

    But there is the tax thing. If you are american you will be a little astonished at the amount of tax we pay. It's higher than yours as we have goverment handouts and  socialized medicine which means you don't have to pay crazy amounts for medical exenses. Alot is actually for free. But we do have better pay so living costs end up a little better.

    You will hate the price of big ticket items here in austalia like cars, houses, fridges, wahing machines. They are more expensive. But fresh food is cheaper than america. I almost dies when i saw a tiny box of healthy cerial in america selld for like $12 a box american.

    On those wages if on your own you will be doing pretty well for yourself in Australia. Even if you have a family you will be doing better than average.

  3. The position pays between $68,239 and $81,034 per year before tax. The employer will put an additional 17% of your income into a superannauation fund for your retirement.

    That is a pretty good income and 17% super is great, most workplaces only pay 9%.

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