
Comparing grease and blood brothers??

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really need help you guys, i have to compare grease the musical with blood brothers and im very very stuck?






  1. there is no comparison grease is set in the 50,s high school all set around the graduating year blood brothers is about 2 brothers split at birth and growing up one in a rich family the other a poor one then meeting and becoming friends and when they find out they are brothers they both die.

    you could say the comparison between them is about life, friends, and growing up

  2. a couple of thoughts:

    - grease has lots of stand alone tunes whereas blood brothers use the same melody and indeed lyrics  a lot to create the sense of inevitability

    - blood brothers is really all about class and the have and have nots. Grease also touches on the themes of exclusion in a social setting but in a more upbeat and fluid way - it is easy for Sandy to change her style to be liked - no easy moves for mickey in blood brothers

    - in grease friendship overcomes in blood brothers jealousy and real life get in the way and pull the boys apart

    - i personally find the female characters incidental in blood brothers whereas in grease they are key

    all i can think of sorry

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