
Comparison between an irish rose and two gentlemen of verona of aj cronin?

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  1.  in these two sotries author play a significant role and he described himself as a character of the story



  2.  Both the stories are of same kind showing love and devotion to the nearest ones.

  3. in an irish rose rose for the sake and safety of baby michael ....she sacrifice even her life for him ................. were as in two gentlemen of verona the boys sacrifices their own wishes for the sake of their sister lucia ...

  4. both of the story is a real and previous experience that the autor ( A J CRONIN) had in his life .......... both the stories theme is of duty and devotion .......... in both of the story the author take the account of the love and sacrifices shown by the protagonist to thier sibbling !! in both of the stories author shows an important point that the protagonist is held with wisdom of ages ........... ie .... they think and do which was not to be of thier age and also they was aware of the difficulties and sufferings of life...

    In an irish rose the incident was taken place in dublin at ireland ..... wereas two gentlemen of verona was been in verona ......

    in an irish rose, rose donegan as alone handle up all the family matters and sibblings with her irresponsible drunkard father .......
    wereas in two gentlemen of verona two of them look after their sibblings that is nicola and jacopo together work and look after their sis lucia

    in an irish rose, rose take care of her small brother baby michael wen he was suffering from pneumonia....... were as in two gentlemen of verona the brothers take care of the sister lucia who was suffering from tuberculosis ....

    in both of the stories ..... the protagonists physical appearence and background was somewat same ........ they were poor,, worn with shabby clothes ,,, which was wear and tear

    in an irish rose the dad was irresponsible and a drunkard ........ were as their father was an famous singer and an hardworker who was dead on the war between germans .........

    in both of the stories the protagonists were ready to work for their family ............ they was ready to do any kind of work ........ but in an irish rose ..... rose was ready but she kept condition that she will not leave baby michael !!

    in an irish rose , rose donegan was quite frendly with the narrator were as in two gentlemen of verona the brothers were not much open to him ......... and was not ready to reveal the secrets of their life !!

  5. comparision between an irish rose and two gentlemen of verona by AJ Cronin....

  6. Both stories give a sympionic devotions of nicola brothers and rose donegan

  7. Both the stories shows the duty and devotion of the characters Nicolo,Jacopo and Rose Donegan.

  8. Comparison between an Irish rose and two gentlemen of Verona

  9. the two gentle men of verona and an irish rose are two sentimental stories of A J cronin. both the stories are presently showing the themes which standing in same caste.

  10. Comparison between an irish rose..

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