
Compatibility between Pisces Venus, Scorpio Mars man and Scorpio Venus, Libra Mars woman?

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Compatibility between Pisces Venus, Scorpio Mars man and Scorpio Venus, Libra Mars woman?




  1. Check whether the planets of mars and venus in the sign of Scorpio are in conjunction (almost same degree) aspect. If they are, then any conjunction between Mars-Venus represents an all-consuming intense type of sexual attraction between the two parties. In this case, male Mars conjuncts female Venus, making their attratcion towards each other extremely strong and magnetic.

    Venus-venus contacts are also harmonious here (trine signs), making them have similar aesthetic sense and tastes in life - such as social life, activities, music etc. They both gear towards more passive, introverted types of social activities where depth of quality is more important then quantity.

  2. Yes the compatibility is good in between them.!!!

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