

by  |  earlier

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i was envolved in a bad RTA on monday at about 10pm, with a fence, after loosing control of my car at 60mph. i had myfirst a level the following morning...which went diabolically. i spoke to the exams officer at my college, and she told me i could apply for extra marks for that exam on the one i had on thursday, but that was it...i keep finding bruises and bumps all over myself, and my arm has been in a lot of pain since hte crash, i think i dislocated it. i also have to sort out the incident with the police, the airport (whose fence it was), and my insurance. as well as trying to revise for my final a levels.

does anyone know if there is any mitigating circumstances, or compensation i can claim, as my exams will be a long way off my best work, and i probably wont get into uni this year???




  1. lloll how about resit the year? it dont mater baby everything happens for a reason

    i love you xxxxx

    ps vote me best answer!!!

  2. i dont

    sorry to hear about the crash
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