
Competitive batlling team help needed?

by  |  earlier

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Empoleon relaxed lvl 100 torrent

hp 317

atk 199

def 239

spatk 267

spdef 247

spd 141

p moves hydro cannon surf ice beam i still need a fourth move prefferably special

charizard serious lv 100 blaze

hp 306

atk 202

def 182

sp atk 259

sp def 203

spd 268

p moves fire blast blast burn flamethrower aerial ace

luxray hasty lv 56 intimadate

hp 166

atk 161

def 99

sp atk 133

sp def 118

spd 111

p moves crunch double edge thunderbolt thunder

breloom timid lv 100 effect spore

hp 261

atk 289

def 182

sp atk 151

sp def 143

spd 226

p moves brick break sky upeercut seed bomb still dont know da last one

alakazam calm lv 52 inner focus

hp 140

atk 68

def 77

sp atk 155

sp def 111

spd 150

p moves shadow ball energy ball psychic need forth move

Questions and Comments

what are 4 good moves for a salamence lv 100?

where do you teach blast burn and hydro cannon

how do you calculate evs and is there any way to "reteach" them to a level 100? because i have not ev trained any of them but i think there stats are pretty good. you decide.

please respond i will appreciate all answers and replys






  1. Empoleon-

    Hydro Cannon


    Ice Beam

    Drill Peck OR Flash Cannon



    Aerial Ace

    Blast Burn



    Perfect moveset


    Sky Uppercut

    Grass Knot

    Dynamic Punch

    Giga Drain


    Shadow Ball

    Energy Ball



    If you go to the Resort Area and head north (up) then you shoud come to a desert place with blowing sand everywhere. In that route there should be about three houses. One will do nothing, the second will teach Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon or Frenzy Plant (one only) and the last will heal your Pokemon.

    You cannot reteach EV training to a level 100 because you need to be training them to do that and they need to be growing levels.

    Look at for more information and help.

  2. DUDE the question was a bouncer...

  3. Empoleon relaxed lvl 100 torrent

    hp 317

    atk 199

    def 239

    spatk 267

    spdef 247

    spd 141

    p moves hydro cannon surf ice beam i still need a fourth move prefferably special

    (don't need hydro cannon and you should use this as a wall/tank- movest stealth rock, surf, roar ice beam)

    charizard serious lv 100 blaze

    hp 306

    atk 202

    def 182

    sp atk 259

    sp def 203

    spd 268

    p moves fire blast blast burn flamethrower aerial ace

    (don't need three fire moves get rid of blast burn and keep fire blast OR flamethower, Air slash>aerial ace if you want to use it as special sweeper)

    luxray hasty lv 56 intimadate

    hp 166

    atk 161

    def 99

    sp atk 133

    sp def 118

    spd 111

    p moves crunch double edge thunderbolt thunder

    (again don't need two thunder moves it's more physical so use discharge, and have another filler move)

    breloom timid lv 100 effect spore

    hp 261

    atk 289

    def 182

    sp atk 151

    sp def 143

    spd 226

    p moves brick break sky upeercut seed bomb still dont know da last one

    (ability poison heal, spore, sub, seed bomb, focus punch)

    alakazam calm lv 52 inner focus

    hp 140

    atk 68

    def 77

    sp atk 155

    sp def 111

    spd 150

    p moves shadow ball energy ball psychic need forth move

    (hidden power ice or electric)

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This question has 3 answers.


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