
Competitive gymnastics?

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My daughter is 6 and has just finished her first year of gymnastics. Should she be at the point where she should start competing? We went to the Olympic trials and everyone asked what level she was...she has not even begun. What should she be doing at this point? I do not ever expect her to be an olympiad, but want her to progress.




  1. It depends on what her skill level is, as far as if she is considered a beginner or more advanced.  It also depends on her teacher/coach and what their policy is.  I have seen girls as young as 4 compete, and I have seen girls who haven't started competing until they are 9 or 10.  My 7 year old has been competing for over two years, but only locally with the two other gyms I won't let her do serious competition.  

    My almost 6 year old is no where near ready to compete even though they have both been doing gymnastics for the same amount of time.   They are at very different levels since my 7 year old is what they called a "natural athlete" and my almost 6 year old is not.  

    As far as what she should be doing, that is something only her teacher/coach can probably tell you.  She should not be pressured into doing anything she is not comfortable with or does not have the strength for.  It is entirely dependent on your child and her abilities.  If you are concerned I would talk to whoever is instructing her about her skill-sets and how she is doing.   The most important thing is that she is having fun and getting good excersize!  Enjoy it!!

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