
Competitive swimsuit

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ok i wear a size 26 womens swimsuit it fits purfect but the straps are WAY to tight i no they are supposed to be but these are like painful should i move up a size or what




  1. just try some band-aids or something, that's why my step grandma does

  2. You should look into the type of suits with adjustable straps.

  3. Yeah i have a fastskin and its really tight too.

    Its supposed to be like that and since its sort of painful you are not supposed to wear it for long periods of time or for long distance events.

    But if the rest of it fits fine and just the straps are tight then that is normal. if you got a bigger size, the straps would probably be fine but the rest of the suit wouldn't fit right.

  4. i have the same problem too. all u have to do is when ever u have down time, put ur straps on ur shoulders and that stretches them out.

  5. Well i just had J.O.s and i have a tracerlight and a fast skin that goes above your knees. I wear 26 as well. I tried moving to a 28 but the legs were tight but the straps are to loose. When you swim the front part will go down a little and reveal your b*****s. Trust me. you dont want that too happen. Also try to put a little baby oil on the places where the straps are. Hope i helped :].  

  6. try a bigger size

    when you buy a swimsuit

    you take the straps and stretch it out

    if it passes your ear lobe then its too big

    or if this swimsuit is just for competitive reasons and you

    dont want to go a size bigger

    stick with it and if you have more than one event

    take the straps off and wear your suit like a strapless

    that way it doesnt hurt you
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