
Competitive types?

by Guest65339  |  earlier

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i live with competitive sorts it gets ridiculous sometimes - rushing to be up first on weekends (after they hear someone else getting up), dropping 'helpful tips', getting washing done first, petty t*t for tat stuff etc etc

are you the competitive sort or live with any of them?




  1. They can always compete away. Just as long as I can take my time and have my shower and breakfast in peace

  2. I'm competitive but they are being a bit rediculous.

  3. I don't function well in the company of competitive people.  It's so hard to be at ease with them because you feel you can't be real.  I wonder why anyone would want to be in a competitive persons company unless there was something fun going on like a game of gin rummy.  Much better to leave competition in a place where you need to compete.  We don't need to compete innit.

  4. You say this like they're negative things. Perhaps it's you that's competitive but you're just not winning!

  5. I'm not that competitive. I don't follow the crowd. In fact, going with the crowd makes me become a procrastinator because I just don't like it. I like to think for myself and come to my own conclusions. I think those people are bit ridiculous and silly. Really. It's insecurity.

  6. My sister is really competeitive, like if we're out looking for something she has to be the one to find it. I just let her beat me all the time because tevnetually she'll be tired that i'm not competing and she'll stop.
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