
Complaint/sue against employer?

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I want to file a case against my employer. My employer has not paid me from last 2 months & I'm working on H1 B visa. Can anyone provide me where I can complain abt my employer? Also, is there any lawyer service available free who will take up this case?





  1. Look in the phone book under government, then state, then Dept of Labor or call local directory services. Contact the  State Dept of Employment and make a claim.

  2. .   You can file a claim by paying $35 at the local Small Claims Court.  You will get a judgement.  You don't need a lawyer.  If he stops paying you, you protect yourself by not working for 2 more months. State labor board is in the phone book in the "blue" section.

  3. Go to your State labor board for free.

  4. Why would a lawyer work for free when you aren't willing to?

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