
Complaint to Visit Britain?

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I recently had a bad experience with a B&B that had a 4star visit britain award.

Does anyone know how to make a complaint to visit britain, as i have been to their website and cant find anything.





  1. When making a Complaint, it is important to respect the hierarchy, as it is usually passed down the line to be dealt with. If the B&B,,or its Management anyway, were unaware of the grievance, this does not help.

    Therefore your Complaint should be addressed to the B&B in the first instance, with the implied threat of going over their heads to VB if the issue is not settled.

    Be specific in the desired outcome of your letter, otherwise it risks being a rant, which could just be disregarded.

  2. Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience.

    I agree with P.W. - A written complaint to the B&B first, and if still not resolved, VB's contact details as follows:


    Thames Tower

    Black's Road



    W6 9EL

    Tel: 020 8846 9000

  3. You go to the bottom of the page and click "ABOUT US" and then on the next page on the lfet is a CONTACT US button

  4. Your complaint is a matter for the B&B. Visit Britain awarded the stars and review them on a regular basis. If their inspectors find any problems  in the future, it may not get 4 stars next time. But complaints are always inevitable.

  5. You should complain to the B&B if you haven't already.

    You could write a review stating your findings on a few review sites, people do use them.

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