
Compleate the sentance. Guinness and tia maria is?

by Guest57411  |  earlier

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Compleate the sentance. Guinness and tia maria is?




  1. a good beer and a bad liqour

  2. a d**n fine way to get drunk

  3. a recipe for disaster

  4. …do nothing to help me spell correctly.

  5. are not brewed in Ireland like most people think. Tia is made in Jamaica and most of the is brewed in Canada... India...Jamaca...South Africa...and about 4 or 5 other countries.

  6. not good on fruit loops cereal

  7. Grim

  8. ................not meant to drank from the same glass.... it would spoil the taste of the Guinness

  9. Vomit inducing!

  10. making your spelling terrible

  11. The Douglas International


    2 shots Tia Maria

    1/2pt Guiness

  12. me what water is to fish.

  13. Seems like you've already been trying it if the spelling's anything to go by !

    Anyway, I would simply add the word "VILE".

  14. disgusting

    guisness is the most disgusting thing in the world but tia maria is nice with soda water

  15. delicious

  16. Not a good mixture.

    Ok apart...

  17. ....wrong on many levels, Guinness is delicious on it's own.

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