
Complete omega 3 6 9

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I have heard great things about complete omega 3 6 9 my daughter is 2 and half years old i was wondering of it would be okay to give her one capsule a day for speech she has no words and she also has low muscle tone has anyone used this before and how was it?




  1. Actually I have a Biology professor that has explained to me why omega 6 is really bad for you.  (It's really complicated but I'll just say it increases inflammation in the body which can lead to several diseases, and he also thinks it may contribute to obesity).  Omega 3 is good though because it has anti-inflammatory effects.  I think you should just go with a normal children's multivitamin.

  2. I would not give a child anything but a multi vitamin. Such as Flintstones chewable tablets.  
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