
Completely aquatic turtle??

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I know this is in the fish section, not the reptile section.

The reason I am posting this here is because the fish people are some of the smartest people here, whilst the reptile guys aren't.

Anyway, is there a turtle that is strictly aquatic? (of course it has to breathe air, but you know...)

One that never needs to come on land?

I am comparing these to the African Clawed frog. They are always underwater, but they do come up for air.

So, is there any turtle like that out there?




  1. I'm pretty sure that the musk turtle spends all of its time in the water. The only other fully aquatic turtle i can think of is the fly river turtle.

  2. there is the freshwater fly river turtle (Carettochelys insculpta). fully aquatic, also known as pig nose turtle due to the shape of it's nose.

    HOWEVER, this turtle gets to the size of a dustbin lid so needs a 400 gallon tank minimum. these are found in pet stores, usually when they're anything between the size of a saucer to the size of a dinner plate.

  3. probably,but very rare,terrapins are more common like the red eared slider,which are very popular.ah u should go to a exotic petstore.

  4. The only one I know if is the sea turtle, which does not make for the best aquarium pet :)  Even that comes on land though to lay its eggs.

    From what I know all (except sea turtles) turtles need to come onto dry land to soak up heat. It is hard to absorb heat from the water unless you are in a boiling pot.

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