
Completely opposed to joining

by Guest59722  |  earlier

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What do you do when your parents are completely opposed to you joining the military? I mean they wont listen to anything, I tried telling them some of the benefits and they just said "What good is that going to do you if you're dead?" Then my mom starts accusing the recruiter of "brainwashing people." The other day she said she would sign because its what I want to do, but then she said she wasn't signing. They have changed their minds on whether or not they are signing that it looks like by the time they decide to sign, I wont need their signature anymore.




  1. you should finish school.  after eighteen you're on your own, won't need a parents signature.

    be advised, recruiters are salesmen, they work for bonuses.

  2. LISTEN TO THEM, the military is run by the Government!!!!!

    The Government is NOT YOUR FRIEND

  3. I'm with your mother.  I've got the same problem at my house.  You guys need to realize that this isn't like a video game or a Hollywood movie.  And the "career counselors" do brainwash you and they lie, they told my nephew he was going to Italy and guess what?  He's in Iraq.  

    It's a war based on lies...your parents raised you all this time, do you think they want to see you throw your life away protecting the interests of multinational corporations?

  4. If I were you I would join the coast guard,if anything...Want to know why?...Watch the movie Beyond's free on google videos...Maybe you should listen to your parents also.They will be the ones taking care of you when you get cancer from inhaling all the depleted uranium...

  5. Hmmm, this is pretty common, so talk to your Recruiter, he may be able to help advise them of the realities, instead of the misconceptions that they have... either way, you nailed it, when you turn 18, it is all moot.

    Good luck!

  6. You can always ask a recruiter to come and talk to them as well.  Just do what you can to show them you are serious and you understand what you are getting yourself into.  The Army website has a section for parents so maybe you can get some tips there.  Worse comes to worse you will have to wait till you are 18.  

  7. Just wait til you're 18 and sign for yourself. Personally, even though my husband is army and we have alot of friends that are military, I would NEVER sign for my kids. I think there are some things that a parent shouldn't put their signature on so that if their kid ends up unhappy with the decision that they made then they can't blame their parents. And as far as their arguments go...well my in-laws said all that stuff to my husband too. He's now been in for close to 6 years....Guess what they still say? You can't change someones mind on stuff like this. So just makes plans for your 18th birthday to go sign your paperwork and tell them afterwards.  

  8. You wait, hit 18 then join. They just don't want to see you get hurt. I think you can respect that for now right?  

  9. While I admire your decision for wanting to join the military, my personal advice would be to wait a few months (or however long) until you turn 18 to just sign up yourself, without parental consent.  This way, you will have just a little more time to make sure this is a commitment you really want to make.  It's only a few months, and trust me- the military will still be needing personnel by then, too.  Best of luck.

  10. You listen to your parents and realize that the military is a very bad discussion on so many levels. Military should be the last option, when you have no other options in life. I completely agree with them, no reason to risk your life, leave everything behind, be owned by the government, then be forced to carry out their corrupted orders.

  11. If they are that concerned just wait, talk them into it more, have the recruiter come over to the house to discuss it. Or just wait until your next birthday, they don't need parental consent for you to join.

    Also, do you really want the Marines? Or do you want better benefits and a better education than the Marines? I would go with the main branch, the NAVY. I bet your parents would be a bit at ease with the NAVY.

    Good luck either way.

  12. I think you should just wait until your 18. Then do what you want to do think about it if it wasnt for people like you other peope would be forced to go. Understand where your parents are coming from but also understand the Military isnt a joke or a free ride to school. And you said Marines so you will be in war. Take all the pros and cons and make a move. What MOS are you thinking about? Anyway goodluck  

                                                                                  Semper Fi

  13. I feel for you.  My parents didn't want me joining also-but they signed because I was so adamant.

    Continue explaining your decision to them in a rational way listing all the benefits you will receive and more importantly the life experience and giving back to a country that has given them so much.

    If nothing works then just wait until your 18 and spend the time getting into excellent physical shape.

    What branch are you considering?  

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