
Completely red spider?

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So i figured i would add a little more detail. First of all, it was not a mite. It was a little bigger than the size of a nickel and it was red. It was not black and red or white and red. It wasn't orange. It's legs, body, head were all a solid, bright red. I wish i would have gotten a picture. I live in Vermont if that helps. Does anyone know what kind of spider this is?????




  1. Red spider mites have one section to the body instead of two. like a spider does. if you see it again, check the body! They can be the size of a nickel!

  2. No idea, but it sounds both venemous and awesome.

  3. That is exactly what I saw today pulling weeds! and I asked the same question but i kept getting answers about a white and red or black and red spider. :(  

  4. I saw a spider that was like a rusty red in a trailer that I was giving away. It looked kind of hairy. It went with the trailer since I had everything out of the trailer since I went back to look at the trailer for the last time. I took a picture with a digital camera but it didn't turn out. I'm in southern Illinois. I'd like to know what type it is also.

  5. It would help to know where your living.. country, state.. etc.

    But there is a red jumping spider.. see the pixs of that and other spiders at this site:
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