
Complex algebra question?

by  |  earlier

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You're in the hotel business. You own one hotel, from which you earn $100/hr. Your goal is to own ten hotels in total. Hotels cost $5,000, but for each one you own, the seller raises the price of hotels by $1,000 (so currently, they cost $6,000). At any time, you can sell back for the current cost/2. What is the fastest way to own ten hotels?




  1. wow tough question. there would be no point in selling one back so that part is irrelavent.

    basically in the start you have one. the 2nd costs $6000, 3rd costs $7000... 10th costs $14 000

    you want to buy another ASAP so as soon as you have $6000 you want to buy the 2nd so you earn money twice as fast.

    so the length of time it will take to buy a new hotel is:

    cost of hotel/(100*# of hotels owned)

    and cost of hotel is just ($1000*#of hotels owned + $4000)

    so let n be # of hotels owned and t be time it takes to buy the new hotel (in hours) your equation is

    t = (1000n+5000)/(100n)

    t = (50/n) + 10

    But you must apply this to every integral value of n from 1-9 (when 9 are owned you will be purchasing the 10th) and add them together


    n=1 t=60

    n=2 t=35

    n=3 t=80/3

    n=4 t=45/2

    n=5 t=20

    n=6 t=55/3

    n=7 t=120/7

    n=8 t=65/4

    n=9 t=140/9

    so adding all the t values together we get 231.45 hours or 9.64 days

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