
Complex g*y/atisum Life. What to do?

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I have a very unique problem. I am not only g*y, but I am also autistic I am considered fully functional. I want tell my mom that I am g*y. but I am afraid her reaction. She dose love me but she isn't the kind of person to deal with problems like these. Knowing her, she would probably blame it on my disability I am thinking about leaving her out of my life but i know it's not the best thing to do. please help.




  1. Just tell your mother. Your going to be haunted if you wont, i'm not saying that you will but you might. Trust me that's with me. I'm a um.. a bisexual. My parent's and my relatives them tease people. I don't have the courage to say it. Also don't think that your mother will not care about it. She loves you and she'll do the best she can for you because your HER son.  

  2. You mom is older and older people understand homosexuality is a completely different way.. Also the sooner you tell her the better your life will be.. Living in the closet closes a lot of doors for you..  

  3. If your mom loves you enough she will handle it just fine. Just tell her and if she blames it on your disability oh least you'll know the truth right?

  4. tell your mom

    its not your fault you were born that way

    she should understand

    she may not agree with it at first but shes still going to love you

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