
Complex sentence, how do you do it?

by Guest62094  |  earlier

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I am cofused with complex sentences.. can some one show me how to do it with this example:

Writing a good, well argued essay is difficult. I often spend more time on this type of assignment than on others.




  1. Because writing a good, well-argued essay is difficult, I often spend more time on this type of assignment than on others.

    With a complex sentence, you have one sentence that can stand alone, in this case, "I often spend more time on this type of assignment than on others". You also have one sentence (called a dependent clause) that cannot stand alone, in this case, "Because writing a good, well-argued essay is difficult".  

  2. Writing a good, well argued essay is difficult, so I often spend more time on this type of assignment than on others.

  3. Complex sentences are very easily created with the help of a subordinating conjunction. Using transitions helps too.

    Since writing a good, well argued essay is difficult (this is the dependent part of the complex sentence beginning with subordinating conjunction of reason 'since' ) , (always use comma when starting with a dependent sentence) I often spend more time on this assignment than on others. (after comma, we have the independent sentence)

    With absolutely no offense, I would never recommend beginning a sentence with 'because'.

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