
Complications if you get pregnant 3 moths after giving birth

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i know someone who had a baby 3 months ago and was breastfeeding, she thought that it was not possible to get pregnant while doing so (her doctors did not mention that it was not a reliable birth controll) and now she may be pregnant again. what can be the risks of this




  1. How could breast feeding be considered birth control?  I'm sure it never crossed his mind that a woman would use it as such. How old is this girl? Someone needs to sit down with her and explain the facts of life!

    Now for your question. The risks are the same. It depends on how strong and healthy the mother is. If I were her though, I'd stay away from boys.  

  2. LOL @ granola.

    I don't think doctors recommend getting pregnant again so soon, but plenty of people do it with no complications.  

  3. The main risk is two kids :-)

  4. Nothing to serious.

    I know several people of which this has happened to.

    She might, however, have a HUGE amount of excess skin  

  5. alot of headaches and a really busy schedule in 9 months...

  6. i dont in the same situation i think....

  7. My first two babies were born 11 months and 20 days apart.  My second pregnancy was actually easier than the first.  (No gestational diabetes! Yay!)  And even though I'd had a c-section, my OB wasn't worried.  Just tell your friend to make sure to keep up with a good diet and prenatal vitamins because her body didn't get much time to recuperate.  

  8. You can get pregnant almost immediately. This is one of the reasons your health care provider/OB/GYN should have instructed you NOT to have s*x for at least 6 weeks, your body is in no way ready physically to handle another pregnancy, this will more than likely put you in the "high risk category". Women are extremely fertile after they have given birth, some will tell you if you are breast feeding that it works as a form of birth control.....DO NOT rely on that alone if you DO NOT want to get pregnant again so quickly

    It follows a study which shows short intervals between pregnancies increase the risks of complications.

    These include premature deliveries, giving birth to underweight babies and even the death of the infant.

    " It would be good advice to take just a little bit more time to let your body get over birth before you try again "

    Professor Bill Ledger

    Doctors said that while the risks of these complications happening were small, women should be made aware of them.

  9. I don't think there are any. I got pregnant 2 months after my first was born. So my boys almost share a birthday!! but I had a normal pregnancy.

  10. another there should be no risk at all. I'm surprised her doc didn't recommend the (breastfeeding) mini pill, its a lower dose of birth control that is safe while breastfeeding

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