
Component/ AV cable question with PS3?

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I am going to get a ps3, and i was wondering if i have to buy a switch/converter type thing for the the component cable (of the ps3) to the composite AV cables (red, white, yellow). I have an old TV with only the 3 colored plugs (red, white, yellow).

Would something like this work because I do not have a HD TV




  1. if you did get a converter, you could use the component cables, but the difference between those and the regular composite A/V cables wont be as big as it would be on a high-def television.  i would save whatever money you would spend on that toward getting a samsung LCD television, thats your best bet on getting awesome definition.

  2. First, some terminology:

    Composite: Yellow (video) - Red, White (audio)

    Component: Red, Green, Blue (video) - White, Red (audio)

    Component is better quality than Composite. (And HDMI is the best quality.)

    However, the PS3 only comes with a composite cable. That means it'll work fine for your TV.

    The cable you linked to is a combination Composite/Component cable. It allows you to use whichever input you choose. However, you don't need it, because the PS3 comes with the only cable you need.

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