
Composite bow vs. longbow?

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Okay, some people say that the composite bows have a greater range than that of the longbows; others say the opposite. So, I'm a bit confused right now. Do you know what is the correct answer?

Also, I was under the impression that crossbows generally have the greater accuracy and range than that of the longbows. The only disadvantage of the crossbows is that they have a slow loading rate.

Yet, people also said that longbows are equally accurate and have a greater range. Do you know what is the truth?




  1. Do you mean compound bow?

    I have a browning compound bow that is quite accurate.

    Longbows are usually bigger ( or longer hence the name).

    So if you are using one of the three for hunting I would def. recommend compound.

    Its true that a crossbow is more accurate IF you use it on a rest.

    Good luck.

  2. Did you mean compound bow??

    A composite bow is a bow made from disparate materials laminated together, usually applied under tension. Different materials are used in order to take advantage of the properties of each material.  Where as a

    traditional longbow is made from a single natural piece of wood.



    Trained archer can loose 12 aimed shots in a minute, with man-sized accuracy up to 200 yards.

    Can penetrate mail at 75 yards, plate at 30.


    Takes a person to draw and shoot a 150 lb. bow. Took years of training to build up that kind of strength, and that kind of skill.

    Cannot be carried ready to shoot at a moment's notice. Needs to be drawn first.



    Easier to train a crossbowman than an archer. About one month is all it takes to train a capable shooter.

    Can be loaded and ready to shoot, unlike the longbow, since the release is mechanical.


    Slow to load. The type used during the 100 years war took 45 seconds to a minute to span and shoot.

    Maximum range of 120 yards in most cases. Much less than the longbow.

  3. The biggest advantage of a compound bow is the increased speed of the arrow it launches.  Compound shooters are forever trying to wring an extra foot per second out of their bows.  One way they get more speed is using lighter arrows.  Speed increases their range by several feet.

    Longbow shooters use a more primitive form of archery equipment that does not generate as much speed.  To overcome the disadvantage of slower speeds, longbow archers shoot much heavier arrows.  The weight of the arrow allows it to penetrate quite well, even at the slower speeds (more like 150 fps or so).  Still, most longbow hunters limit their shots to about 25 yards at the farthest.

    Another development in primitive archery is the recurve bow, which stores energy in curves at the end of the limbs of the bow.  A recurve will shoot the same heavy arrows the longbow shoots, but at about 180-200 fps.  Experienced recurve hunters can take game animals out to 35 yards or so.

    Compounds, with their sights, overdraws, and releases are capable of extreme accuracy.  However, they are heavy, complicated, and always in need of tweaking and tuning.  Longbows and recurves rely on "instinctive shooting" (aiming the way that you throw a rock - you look at the target and you shoot it).  They are simple, light, and require very little maintenance.  With either, you need to spend a lot of time practicing to become proficient.

    A crossbow is another matter altogether.  Most states require hunters using a crossbow to have a medical reason, and have a special license just for crossbow hunters.  They have greater range, aim more easily, and are very accurate.

    I shoot a recurve, and love it.  I love the challenge of getting close to the animal, pitting my skills against his instincts.

  4. A compound bow will definitely give you more power, speed, and distance.

    A compound bow is more of a machine... depends less on the user for accuracy. A longbow or recurve bow is more heavily dependent on the archer himself for accuracy.

    A longbow in the hands of a skilled archer can be equally accurate out to the typical range at which you'll normally hunt deer and load faster than a compound bow.

  5. Composite or compound, some people confuse the two of those.  Example of composite bows are the mongolian or hungarian bows.  These bows are recurves that are composed of several different materials, hence the name composite bow.  Compound on the other hand are those bows with pulleys on the limbs.  Either one of these bows have mechanical improvements compared to the old long bow, which is nothing more than a stick and a string.

    The compound bow being of a more modern invention will have, pound for pound, by far more energy than the long bow.  All you have to do is have a look at the world record in flight archery to see the difference in range.

    These dedicated flight bows are recurves of the same design as composite bows.  As you can see it's not even a match when you look at the unlimited division.

    Crossbow is easier to use, that's all it is.  You can hand someone a crossbow and he'll be able to shoot a paper plate from 40 yards in a matter of seconds.  Do the same with a longbow, and that person will probably miss the entire bale at 40 yards.  But someone who has had years of experience with a long bow, like Howard Hill or Byron Fergusson, has no problems hitting aspirins thrown in the air.  The limit to accuracy is in the archer, not the bow.


    There are many myths surrounding the English longbow.  One being that it's accurate out to 200 yards.  The longbow used during the time of Henry V, were used more as artillery than a rifle.  The archers weren't aiming at each individual soldier on the opposing side.  They just point their bow to where the enemy formation is and arc it up at a predetermined angle and loose the arrow, no aiming involved.  So, no one in those days actually aimed at a person, they're aiming at a formation.  Once the formation is up close, about 30-40 yards, then they might begin to actually aim the shots.  But usually once the formation is that close, they will have their infantry take charge.

    As for penetration, yes, the composite bow being more efficient will shoot arrows with more energy.  More energy means more punch when it hits.  Arbalests(very heavy crossbows) have draw weights in the thousand pounds range.  These will of course have even more energy than the handheld composites or longbows that have ten times less poundage.

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