
Compost Questions?

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Ok this if my first time EVER doing a compost pile. So please bare with me. Some of these questions may seem stupid.

Ok my pile stinks, now i know its goin g to but it kinda smells like sewer sludge or something funky like that normal? And should there be maggot type worms in there?? I know one worm(from the garden) made it into the bin when i first started it but after that i am not sure.




  1. all of this is fine decaying food rottes thats why is smells so bad and they are maggots there eating the food and creating waste which is good.

  2. One thing that helps with smell is coffee grounds and shredded newspaper.  Add some soil and mix it in too, so it's not pure rotting.  If it's really going well the smell should kinda subside soon anyway.

  3. Yes it's normal, and you also need to turn the pile (with a pitchfork or whatever) every couple of days or so to mix it up and add water to it to speed up the process.  Just hose it down as  you mix - you'll notice a bit of heat coming off the pile and this is a good thing - it means the process is working.  Just be sure you DON'T add any meat or dog p**p, etc. to the compost or you will ruin it.
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