
Computer Addiction Problem. Please answer !?

by  |  earlier

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I'm so addicted to the computer. Every morning, I get up and put on my glasses and go straight to the computer. The one game I play all day is MapleStory.

This is the site-

I'm so addicted to it, that I buy NX - Nexon Cash for it every month. I don't know what to do. How do I cure this addiction, what should I do to prevent myself from playing MapleStory. Should I find a new hobby ? Please help.




  1. Go out with your friends.

    Find cousins and set up times to go out to a bar or just out to the movies. Something to get you out of the house and with people again. Even if you haven't talked to them in awhile, most of the time people you were once close to will be willing to spend time with you again.

    Limit yourself on the computer. Keep a log of when your on. Slowly force yourself to play less. If you play 4 hours a day now. Slowly go down in 1/2 hour increments.

    Possibly having one hour of game play time a day, four to five times a week wouldn't be nearly as unhealthy.

  2. You need counseling for your addiction.  Its just like any other addiction, whether it be drugs, alcohol, or the internet.  An addiction is an addiction.  Get help.

  3. Through windows you can set up your computer to only be able to turn on at certain times of the day for a specific amount of time.  If you did this, you would be able to limit the time you can spend on the computer. If you are interested e-mail me and I can send you specific directions, I don't want to spend the time typing them if you don't want them.  best of luck.

  4. thats sad

  5. Those answering can say whatever, but there is probably a reason we are on here commenting about your "addiction."  Maybe we're addicted as well but are in denial.

  6. Oh the irony.

    You are asking help for your computer addiction by using a computer.

    Only by your will power can you withdraw from your addiction.Step by step every day.Make a decision to put your computer away for at least a month.Disassemble it if necessary.

  7. This is typical for people of your generation...for mine it was tv

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