
Computer Chess Help!?

by  |  earlier

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I will have the King in what I think is "check", and the computer will end the game in a "draw". It will happen even when I have multiple pieces left and only the computer's King left. How is this a draw?




  1. I've been wondering the same thing! Everytime I think I've won the d**n game, it says that I got a draw. The only way I can seem to win is if I have the king cornered by about three pieces. Then maybe -maybe- it will say that I won. But what do I know? I'm new to chess.

  2. ok there are several possibilities, you may have

    a.) not have "mating material" eg  a knight and a bishop is mating material, but only in 3 possible positions, 1 knight is not mating material. 1 pawn however is.

    b.) You may have exceeded the 50 move rule eg 50 moves w/o a capture.

    c.)  You could have the king in a 3 move repetition situation where the position on the board is repeated 3 times therefore a draw.

    hope this helps, i have never had this issue with chess titans, as i did playtest it for microsoft.

  3. If you put your opponent into a position that is NOT in check but they can't move without getting into check then the match ends in a stalemate (draw).  Are you sure they are IN check?  Or have you just positioned it so that they have no move?

  4. You've exceeded fifty moves, after fifty moves it is always a draw.

  5. The computer cheats

  6. If the computer can tell that it will always be able to move out of check, and you could never capture him with the pieces you have left, it will call a draw.  It could also be if you have a time limit?  I know in some games it will show you all the possible moves it could make showing that it could always move out of check, no matter how you position what you have left.

  7. To win in chess you have to mate your opponents king.

    A draw can be achieved in many ways including:

    Three Fold Repetition(the same sequence of moves is repeated by both sides 3 times)

    50 move rule(50 moves have gone by with no pawn moves or captures)

    Stalemate(your opponent can no longer move any of his/her pieces)
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