
Computer Help! HELP!?

by Guest67149  |  earlier

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Please Can Someone Help My Computer Crashed And I Just Installed Xp Disc On it But It Is Not Workign Properly And My Recovery Discs Are Full Of Scratches And Wondered If There Were Any Way Of Downloading Or Makng Some? Becasue I Work From Home I Have 5 Discs And There Full Of Scratches My Model Is Imeadia 1516 If Someone Could HelpI Would Be Greatfull




  1. You will have to buy a recovery disc specifically made for your tower or a full OS.  

  2. The likelyhood is that you will need to buy a new recovery disk from imeadia.

  3. Downloading Win XP is illegal, it's pirated software then... go to a computer store and ask for a Windows XP SP2 (or SP3) recovery version of XP.

  4. Learn to spell.

    Yes. You can download & burn new CDs but that's illegal.
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