
Computer/TV uses before bed. Is it bad?

by  |  earlier

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I usually watch tv or use the computer to play video games before bedtime. Is this bad for you at all? I usually fall asleep faster when I do this, so it doesn't seem like it.




  1. dude, I do it all the time.

    practically every night..

    so I don't think it's that bad for you.

  2. its kinda bad it will just take a longer time for you to fall asleep. unless  your like me and will just pass out right infront of your coumpu..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.............

  3. well i use the computer all the time before bed,and nothing is wrong with me. But looks like you answered it yourself.

  4. I think you have heard what a lot of people generally do and how it doesn't affect them including yourself. The question is how long should one do it before bedtime before it is unhealthy..In many instances, it helps people zone out of their daily stresses by watching or playing some of their favorite shows/games.. But is it healthy? The effect of such behavior is to be viewed on a long time basis rather than a short one. Too much television viewing or computer screen watching can be harmful to eyesight..It is better to take adequate breaks between these activities. It is always better to relax all parts of your body including your eyes before you go to sleep. It is often the case that we try to exhaust ourselves thoroughly before we hit the sack..Try some alternatives routinely..might be watching tv or using the computer to play video games can be one of those weekly alternatives....good luck..

  5. Why do you think it would be?

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