
Computer add-ons ? ? ? ?

by  |  earlier

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If a friend of mine has Photo Shop on his computer, is it put there by a disc ? Can I borrow that disc and put the program on my computer ? ? Or is that stealing or something ? ? Against the law ? ? Pirating ? ? Just asked . . .didn't do it . . . Am a law abiding citizen . . .




  1. Did your friend herself/himself install that program or did they not install it themself? Chances are that it must have come with her/his computer. So your friend won't be having it's CD or something; but if they themselves have installed it, ask your friend if they used a CD or downloaded it.

    Photoshop is a graphics editing program which helps you in either making/editing different types of pictures and photos. You can either buy it at any authorized computer shop, or else if you want to save the trouble, you could download it from their site. But, you will have to pay for it using your Credit Card or by any other available means.

    You can visit Photoshop's site here:

    You can download a trial version of Photoshop for free from the above site too. Try it out first, only then buy it if you like it.

    Hope this helped.

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