
Computer addiction normal for 15 yr old boy?

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My mother is severely concerned with my 15 yr old brother's addiction to the computer. I keep telling her it would be something to worry about if he WASN'T on the computer all the time, but she's convinced it is really not good. My brother gets on the computer to play a game. He plays after school until night time and isn't really doing any chores (which I think he should at least be doing that). But, isn't this normal for a teenager? Or am I just naive? I'm pretty sure when I was that age all I did was play on the computer too...




  1. Yes it's normal for a boy but probably shouldn't come before chores and other daily activities.  Maybe your Mom should consider limiting the time he can start playing his game and have him complete all of his stuff before - it's easier to get his attention before he has started the game.

  2. He shouldn't be on it ALL the time. If he isn't doing chores and is literally playing it for hours nonstop, she needs to take it away or at least put limits on it.

    We had the issue with my sister when she was 16. She would be on the computer from 3:20 (when she got home from school) until at LEAST midnight (generally about 2 AM most nights) just on Myspace and talking to people and doing other stuff ("videos"). When one of us came down to tell her to get off because she had been on it for nearly 12 hours or to tell her we needed to do homework, she would scream like a banshee and would threaten to bash in the monitor unless we went away.  I almost did not get to write my term paper that year because of her--she did NOTHING except sit there. When I came down and told her I needed to write my term paper and she needed to get off Facebook and online quiz sites (where she proceeded to download numerous viruses), she would turn off the monitor and scream at us to leave. Eventually we took the computer out of the basement and put it in my room for a week so I could write my term paper, and I had to barricade my door to keep her out. She knocked her way through the door (she's a beast, she was 6'0 then and is now 6'2) once, so I had to put a lock on the door and then shove my bookcase in front of it to keep her out. She literally laid outside my door crying and screaming for 6 HOURS.

  3. That depends. Does it interfere with his schoolwork or his friends/family? Is he literally on it ALL THE TIME? You can do so much to do on the computer nowadays that in a way it is kind of like going out and hanging with friends (thank myspace.) I think it sounds pretty normal. Eventually, he will get tired of the game and move onto something else. And I agree with the above poster, you should check the history.

  4. yeah i think it is pretty normal.

    but are you sure he is just playing games???

    check the history

    or sneak behind him when he is on the computer....

  5. it is normal for my 5 yr old boy to be playing games on the computer. i bet he is surfing the net. i would be scared that he'd be chatting or looking up p**n. he is already hit the horny teenage boy stage. i would be limiting his use on the computer and make him to his chores first before he would be allowed to touch that computer. also, i recommend getting a firewall protection and a net nanny or program that blocks images like p**n, gambling, voilent crimes, etc. hope this helps.

  6. Too much time on the computer can lead to an unhealthy regime (less exercise) and less social interaction with real perople.  It can be addictive, and can be very influential on a 15yo yet to venture out into the real world.  

    My teenage daughter is quite active in sports and through this has developed a diverse group of friends.  Maybe Mum could encourage your Brother to take up other interests. My daughter interacts in person and by phone with her friends.  She used the computer only for homework through the week, and as she has shown responsibility in he use of the computer, we allow he unlimited time on the weekends when she is free.  

    By applying boundaries to our children, we are educating and preparing them for life without Mum and Dad. This may not be enticing to a 15yo, but will be worth it in the long run when he becomes a Man (which may not evolve completely if he's living in a virtual world).

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