
Computer can't connect to internet...

by  |  earlier

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computer connected to internet and working fine, then all of a sudden it won't. We tried lots of different things to get it to work again, but even the people at the computer store can't figure it out. They have been working on it for a week and a half now and they have no clue. Any ideas what could be wrong?




  1. Hi check too see if your winsock file is corrupt search on yahoo for windows winsock fix download the app > run > reboot > test

    if you have wifi check link below

    regs Mike

  2. If this computer is a PC, try running a command prompt and type in "IPCONFIG /ALL" and see if it is getting an IP address.  Valid IP addresses will NOT have the first numbers start with "0.0, 127.0, 169.254, or 255.255".   If it is a Macintosh running OS X, open the Network control panel in "System Preferences" an double click on the interface you connect with.  If there is no valid IP address, you have an issue with your IP settings, or connection.   If it is a dial-up connection, you need to check your PPP settings and make sure you are dialing the right number.  Most home connections use DHCP for the residential users.

    If it is a cable modem or DSL connection connected with an ethernet connection that is directly connected to the computer (no router), you may want to try unplugging the power to the cable or DSL modem and plug it back in 15 seconds later and allow it a minute or two to reconnect.   Then run the IPConfig test above.  If you get a valid IP address, your problem is solved.  If not, I would contact your Internet Provider's tech support.

    If you have a router (either wireless or ethernet based) connected to a cable or DSL modem (often the case if the first two numbers in IP address above begins with "10.0", "10.1", or "192.168"), you should try reseting the cable or DSL modem first and then the router.   Do not turn the router back on until the cable or DSL modem is fully reset.   Then, log into to your routers config address (often or on many routers, or in a config utility on an Apple Airport) and see if the WAN/Internet port has a valid IP address (this should NOT begin with "192.168", "10.0", "10.1", 0.0", "169.254", "127.0", or "255.255").  If it does, then go on.  If not, you need to contact your ISP.   Then, make sure your computer has a valid IP address.  If not, you need to check your wiring, or make sure that the correct wireless name and security key is entered on the computer (see your router settings for the correct name).  Once this is set, and you have a private IP address on your computer from the router (i.e. begins with "10.0", "192.168", or "10.1"), you should be good to go.

    If you are on a corporate, school, or university LAN, I would suggest that you contact your network admin or site tech for info.

  3. well that happens to me sometimes all i do it unplug the internet box and then reinplug it and it works  

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