
Computer expert please come here I need to block a website.?

by Guest21535  |  earlier

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Hello I want to block someone from going to a specific website and when they try to go to that site it will look like this

or a similar message like when the site is curently unavailable.

Is there a way to make that happen with out using any programs or a way to do that isn't obvious?





  1. How to Block A Website in Windows Explorer

    1. Open Internet Explorer. In the Menubar click Tools > Internet Options > Content. In the Content Advisor box, click Enable.

    2. Click the Approved Sites tab. Enter the address of the website.

    Keep in mind - if you want to block the complete website put * in front. For example to block myspace completely, type *

    Click Never and then OK.

    3. Click on the General tab and sure to select Users can see websites that have no ratings

    4. Enter a password you can remember easily with a hint.

    5. Hit OK. Surf safe Internet.

    How to Block A Web site in All Web Browsers (Windows XP)

    1. Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt

    2. Click Command Prompt This will open a DOS command window.

    3. Type: notepad C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts

    4. Locate the line localhost

    5. To block the website for example, just add this text under localhost:

    You can add as many sites any site, However you will need to prefix it with "".

    6. Save the file

    Google will now be blocked in all web browser. This is an advanced but easy method on how to block a Web site.

    NOTE: This method is how some viruses block your ability to access a site.

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