Well, I have a pentium 4 as CPU and NVIDIA GeForce 6200 Turbo Cache GPU, now a days, my computer overheats and turns off automatically, I've replaced the power supplier ( Mercury ) to a new Mercry power supplier, and yes it works, but only for sometime, when I play games, it turns off after around 4 minutes...I havee opened up the CPU and saw two fans, also now while running the computer I hear a click sound in the CPU, this occurs every 5 seconds...please help, this problem never happened before..It started to occur two days ago..
Oh and yes, it has a Thermally advantaged Chassis , when I checked the temperature of CPU it is 94degC using Fanspeed and the general temperature is 41 deg C, but intel website say the general temp has to be less than 39 deg C...