
Computer help.?? Regarding MICROSOFT WORD??

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Heyy, I'm designing a book cover for English class at school and I wanted colour in my background so I went format; background; fill effects and made it purple and orange. But when I printed my book cover, my printer left the background white, and when I went into print preview, it showed it as white. My ink cartriges are full and it HAS done this before. HOW CAN I MAKE IT PRINT THE BACKGROUND CLOURED?




  1. Run Ms Word.

    File > Page Setup > Paper

    Print Options

    Tick "Background Colors and Images"

  2. Go to file, print, then click options, make sure the check box is ticked next to background printing AND background colours and images.

  3. This is a nomenclature problem.  Word considers "backgrounds" to be used only on Web pages and won't print them. "Watermarks," on the other hand, are for printed documents.  In most cases, this is a moot point, because a watermark can also be a graphic, but if you want fill effects, etc., you may have a bit more work to do to get it right.

    Therefore, my suggestion is:

    1.In MS Paint, or your favorite picture editor, create a .jpg file you want the background to be.

    2.In Word, get out of Web Page mode by clicking the View->Page Layout menu item.

    3.     Click on Format->Background->Printed Watermark.

    4.Click on Picture Watermark.

    5.Click Select Picture, then find the background you made in Step 1 and select it.

    6.Click OK.

    7.Click the Tools->Options menu item.

    8.Click the Print Tab.

    9.Under Include with Document, check the checkbox for Drawing Objects.

    10.Click OK.

    Hope that helps.

  4. click File then Page Setup then Paper

    go into Print Options and tick back round pictures and images.

    microsoft publisher may have been a better program to use, as

    it is made more for designing things and has most of these features made specifically for the kind of thing your doing.

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