
Computer is being moved from upstairs to basement. Need to move modem. There is no current outlet.

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I need to move my system from the second level of my townhome to the basement. There is no current coax connection for me to connect the modem to. Is it worth calling the cable company to come out and do this? Will they mess up my walls and everything they touch?

Anyone have this done before? TIA




  1. You need the cable line to your basement? Is you basement furnished? If not, look along the ceilings. You should be able to find the cable line somewhere along there. If you find it, you could split it, or find it's source and route the cable line to your computer.

    If you have the industrial ceiling tiles, you can also find it, it would just be more difficult.

    If you do in fact have a furnished basement, this becomes more difficult. I would recommend having someone do it for you. And no, they wont mess it up too bad. It still isn't a difficult job and will only require a few minutes to fix it up (it may be expensive though). Normally, they will just run it along the space above the ceiling and down through your wall. They will then cut a hole in the wall for the output. This should be covered by a plate.

  2. Just be careful.  I dont trust them any more.  Cox cable company did an install for a woman here about a year ago & when they drilled a hole in the brick wall they started a fire in the insulation.  A few hours later all she had was ashes.  She hadn't even moved in yet.  They offered her 10,000 to settle, on a house she had just paid 20 times that for.  This one was Oklahoma.  I couldn't find the news story, but there are others:

    New York,2933,2964...


    Exploding Laptop

    Just remember, most of them are NOT pros, just independent contractors that may have been making $6 bucks an hour yesterday at McDonalds.

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