
Computer problem??????

by Guest65409  |  earlier

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ok so my computer screen keeps going black when im using it --it sometimes comes back but most of the time i have to wiggle the cords in the back of the screen then it comes back.. whats wrong with it?




  1. Sounds like either the cable is bad, or the port is bad... try getting another cable and see if the screen still does the same. If not, its the video card.. (meaning display card). Try trouble shooting it  

  2. one of the pins in your monitor cable is cut off, you can just take a regulaur needle (same size as the pin) and then heat it by fire (in the oven) and then replace it.

    oh by the way what do you think about this:;...

  3. is it an old computer? sometimes this stuff builds up on the connectors and you just have to pull them out and blast them with canned air. Otherwise you may have a short connection in your cord...time for new cords..they are not that expensive.

  4. your cord is either loose or going bad.  If the cord is the type with the screws (it probably is), tighten them so that you can't wiggle the cord anymore.
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