
Computer programming!!!

by  |  earlier

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My name is jason,and I recently graduated in computer science.I took classes like (c, c , java,data sctrucutre)...The problem i am having is i know the syntax,classes, objects throughly for each of those languagge but when I need to programm I cant come up with coding (it should come to me naturally as a computer programmer). I always had to google to see some other programmer's coding.. becasue of this I haven't started looking for a job just afraid that when real job project comes I wont be able to write.? please suggest something?what should i do?should I look for another career ?is there anyother way to to do real job programming?





  1. mate we all do it i use google a min of 20 x on each project in the end its quicker you can sit there working it out for 20mins or you can google it and have it done in 30 secounds trust me we all do it

    how bad do you mean you cant come up with any code (at all or just sometimes you cant think of the rite code to use) it may also just be nerves aswell im sure with a good knowlege of the class's will be enough to get you a job and if you do get a proggraming job remember on ur first few months no one minds you shouting out how do i make a 128bit encryptor to store these files under a user password and link it to a database that checks it against another password (its your first few months they expect you to to need some help)

    and like the person above said its experience the amount of people i work with that look down at me because i didnt get a degree and then ask me for help with somthing with in 3 days is unbeliveable if you get a job you probs wont be the only proggramer there (very unlikely) so dont worry learn as you go

    and dont feel like looking things up is a bad thing like i said i use google all the time ask even the old proggramers when they where coding stuff in the early 90's how many times they had to check somthing up in a refrence book think how many 1000's of them sold and some of them had really advance stuff in them not used by the average novist learning they where used by the pro's who forgot

  2. no, you shud not look 4 another carrear as long as you like what u are doing...if you seriously think u'r not that great at programming then try joining as a junior programmer and then work ur way up the ladder...u cud also try taking up programming questions from books and working on'll help u get comfortable with the thought process required..start with simple ones n then go for the tough ones...u can always look to ur peers an team-mates for help...and never feel ashamed or guilty for looking at other peoples' codes...n never stop learning from ur mistakes..

    hope this helped..


  3. Better contact a programmer in your area and learn coding for 3 months.

    You can find many live programmers at website like ,etc.

  4. Go back to school and actually pay attention this time.

  5. Real knowledge is experiences, the rest is just theory.

    What you learn in school is just theory. The only way you can gain knowledge is to apply what you learn in the job.

    Programming is not just about memorising the syntax on the programming languages. It is about coming out with a software solution to solve real world problems.

    I learned Fortran, Turbo Pascal and C/C++ in school. When I start working, I learn Visual Basic, ASP, Java, JSP, Unix shell scripting, AWK and CGI.

    I have program in many languages but I didn't memorise the syntax.

    Once you know one, you can apply the same concept to all languages.

    It is OK to look at other people codes and learn from them. Every senior is your teacher. The bottom line is to understand the concepts behind solving problems.

    You can start as a junior programmer and learn on your job. Have some confidence with yourself.

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